i know she wasnt a queen, but i love that song title and had to use it. i cleaned up one of my sketches from sketch night and well, here it is. line and color finish
its been a horror of a week, and a struggle to produce anything i like. so here is the begining of what i hope will be satisfying to myself and viewers. monotype, ball-point, digital
printmaking is all about lining up the registers, and so is being a female. i laughed at combining the two, i dont mean to be vulgar, its just funny to me at this point.
what a vain man, i actually cried making this, visually adding the moose's last breath didnt make me feel any better...but it was necessary for this particular card.
monotype printmaking with a twist. scanned it in and trying some things out with the help of my computer. the digital foolaround, and the original print.
now i know this is Logan's thing, im sorry Logan-i had to try my hand at it, i wont steal your thunder... but it seems everyone is doing pin-ups lately, and the artists are all men. now its time for a woman to do a pin-up. So here is my new project in the works. sketch to ball-point to color and hopefully to a finish at some point.
this is non-toxic litho, or polyester paper litho print. i drew this in sharpie and ball-point on polyester paper. i wet the paper using a sponge, ink it with normal litho/etching ink, and run it through the press....voila!
ahhh...what a wonderful book. Just what I needed right now. The painted veil is written by the talented W. Somerset Maugham, published in 1925, part of the lost generation's need to find the meaning of life and escaping their ego from the western perspective. I love each of his characters, I had to bring them to life in my vision. So from my sketchbook to you, here they are.
While I didnt walk away with a prize or title from this juried show, I was still so happy to have my art in one of my favorite museums, the Museum of Russian Icons. It has always been a vital source of inspiration, I can already feel the surge of creativity. (the picture with the woman falling to hell isnt mine, I just really liked this icon, fyi)